Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day =)

I woke up quite early yesterday about 9am something. And I went to Queensbay and plan to buy a bag for my Maritino, and i found it in royal sport. So I went to ATM machine to take my money, mana tau when i going to reach the ATM machine i only realize that i forget to bring my ATM card -.- Haiz... no choice d have to go back and take it. After i took my ATM card, i went to Shinyee house with Denise. Then only go gurney and find a better bag and bought it at gurney =) Around 7 something I only go out celebrate valentine's day with my precious Maritino in gurney. First, we went to take our dinner in xuan xin restaurant. And we order too much foods so couldnt finish all. I felt so guity that i'm wasted the food and i swear that i'm not going to order so much foods anymore =( After dinner, we went to collect our movie tickets and also bought another movie. Because our movie start at 1155pm and that time was only 945pm. So we both decided to watch another movie which is Mr & Mrs incredible from Louis Koo and Sandra Ng. 1155pm is what women want from Andy Lau and Gong Li. Both of this two movie i prefer Mr & Mrs incredible, It really very funny and Louis Koo is sooooo handsome!!! =) That all for the day. and again Happy Valentine's Day

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