Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Outing with Denise and Shinyee

Thanks guys for saving me from boredom, we went to steamboat at Spicy Girls Restaurant for our dinner. After dinner, we went to Tutti Frutti to have our dessert. And we plan to have a walk at beach but today's tide is turning so we'd better get to other place. And i decided to go Straits Quay to have a walk but Denise decided to go to Gurney Drive, because there have place to sit. In a nut shell, we went to Straits Quay =) And we have some drinks in Berlin's Bier Houz it's a German & European Bistro. We don't really like the environment of the bistro, we prefer Irish pub's environment. Lastly, i wanna apologize to my bestie Yimin, Knang Ning and Ann Ann. Sorry for not informing you all that i couldn't join today's conversation. And sorry Maritino that today i couldn't spend much time on sms with you. LOVE YOU guys!!!

This wan YUMMY!!!!

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